Welcome to the 38th Legislative District Democrats website membership sign up!
Please complete this form to be given membership access.
Once your membership is approved, you can use your profile to keep your contact information up to date with the 38th LDD, as well as have access to our members and PCOs only pages and resources.
Your Contact Information
Home Address
This is where you are registered to voteAbout You
We're glad that you are here!
We do have a few requirements for members of the 38th LDD. Please read the following so you are aware:
All members of the 38th LDD shall:
- Publicly support the principles and goals of the Democratic Party;
- Choose to be known publicly as a Democrat;
- Support the work of the Democratic Party in the 38th LDD and Snohomish County;
- Be a registered voter residing within the boundaries of the 38th Legislative District;
- Pay dues if possible (we do not deny membership because of inability to pay dues); and
- Adhere to the Codes of Conduct/Ethics of the WSDCC, SCDCC, and 38th LDD.
Please note that the 38th LDD bylaws requires the Chair of the LD to:
- Verify the applicant’s primary residential address; and
- Confirm voter registration, if appropriate.
Additionally, following review by the Chair, the application will be considered by the Board of Directors at the next regularly scheduled Executive Board meeting.
If recommended for membership by a majority of the Board of Directors present and voting, the individual will be recommended to the membership at the next Regular Meeting.
The application for membership will be approved by a majority of members present and voting at the Regular Meeting.
An individual approved for membership will be bestowed all rights and privileges of membership at the next Regular Meeting after being approved for membership.
Your Districts
If you reside within the 38th LD, you are in Congressional District 2.
Membership Dues and Financial Donations
We do ask that PCOs and members, that are financially able, to pay membership dues, as we are completely reliant on funds we receive through dues and donations.
Both membership dues and donations can be made via our ActBlue, or you can send check or cash to our PO box listed below.
ActBlue: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/38ldmembership
Mailing Address:
38th Legislative District Democrats
PO Box 12512
Everett, Wa 98206